Ongoing Chi Kung Class

Wednesdays, 7–8 pm ET

This class is open to students who have completed Generating Energy Flow.

Generating Energy Flow

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Many mindfulness practices aim to integrate mind and body but are missing an important piece of the puzzle: the energy component. That’s why Chi Kung is so valuable today. Chi Kung integrates mind, body, and vital energy, or chi, to provide tremendous benefits for health and well-being. Generating an energy flow is at the heart of Chi Kung practice.

In this course you will learn the fundamental skills needed to generate an energy flow. You will learn how to enter a meditative state of mind, relax deeply, and use gentle movements to get your energy moving. You will also learn how to let the energy flow freely in order to facilitate deep healing.

You will learn several classical Chi Kung exercises designed to stimulate the flow of energy in particular ways. These exercises come from the famous 18 Lohan Hands set and are among the best movements devised for this purpose. The 18 Lohan Hands were first taught at the Shaolin temple in China in the sixth century.

You will learn a simple routine, developed over years of trial and error, that offers you the best benefits in the shortest practice time (just 15 minutes per session). You will learn some dos and don’ts of Chi Kung practice. And you will learn some basic principles of Chi Kung philosophy, which will help you understand how Chi Kung works.